Shipping & Returns
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Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
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You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
Artwork Description
And not just let go
Is the most beautiful effort, that shines..
This work got a special mention in 'Waters' Art Exhibition, by Art Room Gallery (Nov, 2021)
Artist Information
Since childhood, I had a natural inclination towards art, mostly sketching as a hobby. Well, when I was old enough for University, I decided to study Architecture. So, I did and practiced for many years. But then life happened, as it does, and I got distanced from Architecture, but never completely for it always influenced my thinking in a way, and a way that was good. I started exploring new dimensions of art, like Photography, 3D Pen doodling, a lot of graphic designing, mixed media on canvas and sketching. (And … much more) And I am still exploring, still learning, and got a long way to go.Artist Statement
My Imagination remains my Inspiration. Then, Now; and If I dare, I might say Forever. It drives me, motivates me, nurtures me, also rides me insane. But I am obsessed, for it makes life worth living. Hence, I create what I think, I think what I live, and I live what I create. Grateful to be still learning and making mistakes every day.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping is free on all orders.
Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
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