Shipping & Returns
Shipping is free on all orders.
Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
Artist Information
I am a self-taught artist located in Seattle, Washington. My background is in cello performance and music education. However, visual art has always been a large part of my life, and I make sure to practice creativity every day. My artwork is an extension of the time I spend outdoors. I gather inspiration from the textures and colors I see while exploring the Pacific Northwest. Artist Statement
When I was a little girl growing up in Colorado, my mom and I would go hiking in the foothills. As we wandered the trails she would point out the various plants, tell me the common name and the scientific name. It was then my job to carefully collect the plant and keep it safe. When we were home, Mom and I would press the flowers into an album and use her old manual typewriter to label each specimen. The flowers have long since deteriorated, and I've forgotten most of their names, but my habit of searching for interesting colors and textures is still with me. I'm at my happiest when I'm out in nature, and my artwork is an extension of time spent outdoors.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping is free on all orders.
Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
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