Shipping & Returns
Shipping is free on all orders.
Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
Artwork Description
Artist Information
Born and raised in France, I came to the United States in January 1998. After working for 21 years in the Pharma industry I retired in March 2021. Following my retirement I was looking for a hobby and this is when photography came into play. I took a photography class at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and mostly learned all the aspects of photography on my own. Experimenting is what I like to do, I love exploring and challenging myself. I have always considered myself as a visual. I have always been attracted to shapes, colors, situations, and people, therefore Photography became an obvious way to express my interests.Artist Statement
As a photographer I want my photos to carry a message, let people's imagination take over. I am always looking for my subjects to stand out and shine.Viewers need to be transported, feel a brand new experience.
Photography is a powerful tool that allows you to express ideas, feelings, sensations in a free way. This is the power of photography. I try as much as possible to separate myself from typical photographs. When I want to work on a project, it usually takes me days or weeks to think about it before it comes to fruition
Shipping & Returns
Shipping is free on all orders.
Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
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