Shipping & Returns
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Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
Artwork Description
Artist Information
Education: BSN with additional credits in studio art and computer graphics. Many additional instructors along the way, including Jack Hines, William F. Reese, Robert Abbott, Tom Lynch and my mentor and friend, Del Gish. Exhibitions: include many regional juried shows . Highlights include:
Best and Brightest " juried show, Scottsdale Art School ,1990 and 1993 with third place award in water media, 1991.
Spokane WA. Art School juried show 1993 with second place award in adult painters category.
Carnegie Art Center, Walla Walla, WA. juried show 1994, 1995,1996, 1999 with awards in oil category in 1994 and water media in 1996.
Gallery at the Part, Richland, WA. featured artist , June 2022
My artwork , including commisons, is included in collections around the country. I am a member of Oil Painters of America (OPA) and the American Women Artists. My work is currently displayed at Galllery at the Park, in Richland, WA.
My current goal:; I am still striving to perfect my work. Ultimately, I would love to win an award in the OPA competitions.
Artist Statement
When asked to describe my work, I would answer :"it is eclectic quasi-realism". I often paint from life for still life, rural and urban landscapes. Occasionally, I flood paper or canvas with color and let the results suggest the subject. I have sweved into abstraction after viewing space telescope pictures. Sometimes my work is tongue-in-cheek but it can be thought provoking. I work in all media but favor the depth of color achieved only with oil paint. I challenge myself to capture the play of light and convey the variety of beauty in my world. It is a continuation of a lifetime of work and the result of many wonderful instructors and mentors I have met along the journey.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping is free on all orders.
Artworks ship within 14 days of purchase or upon conclusion of the show.
You'll receive confirmation of shipping and delivery via email.
You have 14 days to request a return and another 14 days to return the artwork. For more details, please review our full Return Policy.
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