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Wren McMurdo Brignac

Wren McMurdo Brignac

she / they
Federal Way, United States


Hello! I'm Wren, an illustrator, painter, Wiccan, Tarot card reader, and card deck creator. 

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in with a focus in Mixed Media Art and Gender Studies from Western Washington University. I also graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Fashion Design from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in LA, where I relished in my illustration classes above all else, and met my now wife, Schquay.

Since Quay and I moved from Los Angeles to Seattle, I have published two Tarot decks, the Dark Days Tarot which was successfully funded on Kickstarter, and Mother Tarot.

I have been featured in Pif Magazine, and Refinery29, and my Tarot decks and related products are carried in hundreds of shops around the world.

Artist Statement

My work is very often inspired by cycles in nature, such as the phases of the moon and seasons. The focus of my work is to help people connect with their divinity and magic, often through the embrace and allowance of all sides of ourselves, including the shadowy ones that need attention. I have a wide emotional range and some pretty serious mental health diagnoses that both challenge me and imbue me with certain creative and intuitive talents.

I'm also an empath and can feel the pain that others are feeling, regardless of whether they are showing it or not. I use art as a channel for these experiences, and also as a channel for healing that energy.

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