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Ufuk Uyanik

Ufuk Uyanik

London, United Kingdom


Born in Turkey and studied Graphic Design at a university in Istanbul. While studying I started working for a weekly satirical comic magazine called GIRGIR which had a massive weekly circulation of half a million copies in 80s, 90s.

Moved to Britain in 1988. While suffering with immigrant symptoms I had an encounter with an agent in Belgium who started selling my cartoons to some magazines. Since then I worked with different agencies in New York etc.. and my work was published worldwide.

In 2011, I launched a humorous website which was visited by more than 120 countries.

In 2012, I decided to quit cartooning and had a farewell exhibition where more than 400 people attended the opening and sold many work (A gallerist will be interested on this part more I guess).

In 2015, I created an art campaign to help refugee children affected by war. I've exhibited the manipulated photographs in cafes, venues, schools, universities, art shows etc...to raise awareness and funds for refugee children.

My first major exhibition was in Miart Gallery in Mayfair, London, between 3-17 May 2022 and visited by around 1000 people.

Artist Statement

I have no style...maybe no style is a style..I try to be different...I don't like repetitions ... I'd like to reach ordinary people not just people who are in the art world. Art is a long journey, it requires so many practice, observations, thinking etc....sometimes it's too tiring...most of the time too satisfying as long as you crate something good and appreciated

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