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Rachel LordKenaga

Rachel LordKenaga

she / her / hers
Vashon, United States


Rachel LordKenaga was born in Ellensburg, raised in Philly, and returned to the NW at age 18 to go to college. She attended Cornish College for the Arts and UW for her undergraduate degrees of Art and Psychology. She received a masters degree in Art Therapy/Mental Health Counseling. She maintains an active art studio, while working as an Art Therapist on Vashon Island.

Artist Statement

Since I was a kid I have been expressing myself through art making. To me it has always been the most natural form of saying what I have wanted/needed to and exploring my internal world. I am passionately interested in the psychology of art. In my studio, I feel most successful when I experience the therapeutic qualities of art making while simultaneously evoking feeling from the image, and in turn, the viewer. Becoming an Art Therapist was the most effective way I could help others, as I have helped myself. 

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