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Mark Buick

Mark Buick

Bellevue, United States


Hello - I am an amateur photographer living in Bellevue, Washington. Since my first photography class in college, I have always been the person with a camera in his hand.

That was more than 50 years ago.

I want people to be able to see things that they would not normally pay much attention to, like the fine hairs on the legs of a bee, or inside the petals of a flower. I live next door to the Bellevue Botanical Gardens which gives me many opportunities to explore throughout the year.

I also like to throw in some Landscape photography. We live in a great part of the country with so much beauty around us.

I have a mantra with me every day, “Eyes Wide Open”. I am always looking for the next opportunity to capture something interesting. Sometimes this means waiting for several months if I see something that might be interesting at a different time of the year. Or getting off the highway and back tracking to find something I see off the side of the road. Or just driving through back roads and neighborhoods observing what is around us.

I hope you enjoy my photos as much as I like taking them.

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