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Maile Sand

Maile Sand

She / her
Portland, United States


Born in 1981 in Newark, NJ, Maile Boeke Sand divided her early childhood between the east coast and west coast until her family moved to the Colorado front range for the remainder of her childhood. Maile’s parents were both raised in Hawaii and she was heavily influenced by that connection, frequently visiting her maternal grandparents who lived there. Traveling frequently with her family during her childhood and adolescence gave Maile a deep affection for the natural world and a sense of belonging in a variety of diverse environments that she has continued to cultivate as an adult.

Maile earned her B.A. in Psychology from Whitworth University and M.A. in Art Therapy Counseling from Marylhurst University. She worked for several years as an Art Therapist before choosing to remain home with her three children. In 2017 Maile launched Canopy Studio and began her career as a fine artist working with oil paints. She primarily paints landscapes in a realistic style that flirts with impressionism. Her connection to the natural world is demonstrated in her chosen subject matter and composition. Maile has had gallery exhibitions at Visalia Arts, in Visalia California and the LyndonDesign Gallery in Sea Ranch, California. She also shows her work at art festivals throughout the Pacific Northwest each summer. 

Artist Statement

I achieved my childhood ambition to work as an artist when I began painting professionally in 2017. While I call Portland, Oregon ‘home’, I venture near and far for personal and professional inspiration. I walk the world with a deep sense of wonder. I find beauty in the minutiae and grandeur and I am humbled by it. Through the years that I raised my young children, I developed a practice of listening and bearing witness to the wonder and art of the created world that surrounds us. It is a practice that has taught me to see and value the natural world and humanity’s interactions with it. My belief in the divine creator fuels my imagination and I see God as the true artist of creation. I yearn to participate in this artistic expression and I respond to that call upon my soul through painting. 

I paint landscapes with oils on stretched canvas primarily. I typically paint from photographs that I have taken or friends have taken with me in mind. Drawn to the play of light in the world, I find light and reflection mesmerizing. Thus, light is often the defining feature in my paintings. While my art would likely be categorized as ‘Realism’, I do not strive to paint realistically. My objective is to invite the viewer to collectively bear witness and join me in marveling at the beauty of the world around us.

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