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Jayshree Vakil

Jayshree Vakil

she / her
Austin, United States


I work in many mediums, with a goal to liberate color and lines from being purely descriptive to becoming free and expressive – suggesting emotion rather than a simple documentation of what the eye sees. I let the imaginative process conceive abstraction with energy, color, and feeling.
My art is informed and inspired by travels around the world as well as every-day events in daily life. While my works range from portraits and still-lifes to abstracts, my preference is for semi-abstracts that allow creative freedom while still conveying some form.
I try to be attentive to the play of forms, I draw from immediate pleasures underlying everyday visual experience. Rhythms of line, rhymes of color and spatial relationships, unexpected vitality in “inanimate” objects, all go into an attempt to make each work fresh, dynamic, and emotionally resonant. Experiences during my various travels find their way to my sketchbook, from whence they’re turned into paintings.
It is simplification; instead of drawing an outline and then filling it in with color, with one modifying the other, I draw directly in color. It is not a starting point, but a culmination.
I started painting over 35 years ago, having earned a B.A. in Fine Arts from the prestigious Sir J.J. School of Arts of the University of Bombay, India.
An early interest in business initially trumped my love of painting, and I obtained a Bachelor's in Economics, and an MS in Advertising from Northwestern University. After 25 years of a successful career in Advertising and Marketing, I returned to my first passion...painting...now no longer an avocation but a vocation.
There have been numerous exhibitions of my work, both in the US and in India, and many of my paintings have been honored with awards.

Artist Statement

Carefully attentive to the play of forms, I draw from immediate pleasures underlying everyday visual experience. Rhythms of line, rhymes of color and spatial relationships, unexpected vitality in “inanimate” objects, all make each work fresh, dynamic, and emotionally resonant. Experiences during my various travels find their way to my sketchbook, from whence they’re turned into paintings.

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